MQTT Patterns


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This MQTT Client provides a simple implementation, or proof of concept, capable of one connection at the time, publishing and multiple subscriptions to any given topic.It supports only a single CA file for SSL/TLS as of this version, however, work is in progress to add a client private key and certificate.
The code, which is the biggest asset of this project, is open source and is based on the Paho library by Eclipse. This It is available in the following repository:
There are several ways in which this development can be used. Either by modifying the code and adapting it to any need, or by testing connectivity to an already implemented broker, such as an online server. This can be used as a tool to test other MQTT or IoT developments.
This is a Beta version. Any bug, comments and suggestions reported are greatly appreciated to improve this application for further and better use.
-The team at IO-Patterns-